Friday 22 June 2012

evaluation for masks project

The aim of the project was to show the model, while also hiding her at the same time. Initially I wanted to make the whole picture green - using a green background, face/body paint and green clothes, but this wasn't practical, so I went with my second idea. The second idea was for the model to wear masks, either one mask, or several. I eventually decided for her to wear 3 masks, and 3 dresses with them. This was to show formal, evening and fun styles that the model could wear.
Over all I think that the look of the photos reflect what I was trying to suggest. The images came out very yellow - entirely unintentional - but a tone which worked well with the images, reducing the almost creepy quality of the images - especially the skeleton ones.

I like the layout I used for the photos, with the outer photos looking inwards, almost as angels and devils, towards the 'coupling' of the skeleton and the model.

The final photos could, perhaps, have been improved by making the yellow tone more even between all the photographs. The photos generally stiff, like the model is a little uncomfortable of I have little skill for what I was doing.

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