Thursday, 13 October 2011


Macro is close-up photography. It uses a small F. number, such as 2.8. This means that the shutter speed has to be quite fast in order for the photograph to no be over exposed. With such a small F number the camera focuses on the foreground of the picture and the background is left blurry.

It looks a little over exposed, but that is purely the leaf being shiney 

In the above photo the brushed texture of the metal can clearly be seen, and likewise in the lower picture, the creases in my skin can be seen very clearly as well.

I really like the composition and aged look of the light switches, they also compliment each other really well

I like these photographs of the ladybird on a leaf, especially how the camera noticeably  gets closer in each one

There are several photos of the ladybird larvae, the detail on the larvae themselves and the metal railings they're on took a few shots to get right

The light coming from behind the berries makes them merge together almost. The whiteness of the sky makes the picture almost look like it was taken in a studio

The pictures of the lock and door are probably a little overexposed, but I personally rather like that it looks like its glowing

The detail the light and closeness of the camera captures is rather wonderful

I like how the closeness of the camera and the light bring out the shape and age of the wood. It make the door frame look much older than it is

I changed the focus point while taking these photos, so the drilled hole, completely blurred in the first photo, is almost completely in focus in the second.

I thought the cobwebs were interesting, the first photograph didn't work so well

Not too impressed by the pictures of the pipe, the detail was hard to get, they're very dull photographs

The tree and leaves lent themselves a lot more to macro photography
It was quite hard to get a decent photo of the leaves while in the garden (will, I think its a garden) as it was so windy. I still think they could have been much better

 The ground was reflecting the sky, don't think it can be given much credit in macro terms, but it was interesting all the same

plants tend to have so much more interesting detail than man-made objects tend to be, this is visible in the photos of the leaf and tree

I really like the detail of this flower, and how close I could get to it, i really like the contrast in colour as well

I had to move the focus point to the left in order to get this, otherwise it focused on the background
I prefer the second picture (taken from a slight angle) to the first. The angle of the camera adds a lot more interest

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