Monday 17 October 2011

health and safety

Outside (around town)
 Crossing roads or walking near roads:
   be aware of cars around you, use available crossing
 Uneven pavements 
    Make sure you look where you are going
 Make sure you know where the group/person you are with are/is
 Take camera case with you
  Don't have music in/on

In Studio
 Cables on the floor
   Tape down, ask people to be aware
 Low light shoot
   Have torch, move little, tape down cables
 Tripods (light and camera)
   Try to keep out of gangway, or make people in studio aware of where they are
 Put props away when done with
 Turn lights off after use

Dark Room
 When lights are off 
    Move little until eyes adjust to light, have torch handy  
 Chemicals on floor
   Step carefully, make others in room aware of it and where it is
 Use gloves with chemicals
 Keep chemicals separate
 Have water for rinsing available

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