Usually, people who fear plants know something about their more harmful properties. After all, plant essences are often used in medicines, and we all know that medicines can be helpful or harmful. The surfaces of plants can also cause rashes, both mild and serious. Plants like poison ivy are just one example… Usually, people who fear plants know something about their more harmful properties. After all, plant essences are often used in medicines, and we all know that medicines can be helpful or harmful. The surfaces of plants can also cause rashes, both mild and serious. Plants like poison ivy are just one example…
Louise Arnold, from Gloucester, has a pea phobia which means she cannot walk down the frozen food aisle of a supermarket. Explaining her dislike of peas, she said: "They tend to just look at me – ganging up on me. All the hairs on the back of my neck go up. I have to know where they are in the supermarket before I go in. It's just controlling my life now. I would like to be a dinner lady at my daughter's school, but I'm not even able to be in the same room as someone eating them."
In many cases the fear of fish is often the result of not seeing the fish through murky lake or river water. The fear might also be tied to the potential of drowning or even water. The reason this is important to note is that when fear is allowed to take up residence in your way of thinking it almost always embraces other fears. So if the original fear was the fear of water then the fear of fish might be an extension of that fear. It may be stereotypical, but we all have images of girls running away from boys who brandished frogs or snakes. This can be the same image that causes some to fear snakes, but in this case the image the phobic personality has is of a loved one who expressed profound fear of fish. This modeling caused anxiety to be present whenever fish are present. This may only extend to the actual act of fishing, but it could be extended to things found in an aquarium or even seafood. In rare cases the fear of fish may be due to actually being bitten by a fish or frightened by one in some way. This can result in memories that bring anxiety and invite fear.
It’s hard to pinpoint a single specific reason for the fear of mushrooms. It could be the hallucinogenic effects of some types of mushrooms. The individual may believe that it could be possible to consume a mushroom that could impair their thinking and cause them to lose control. For an individual with fears there tends to be significant anxiety tied to the loss of control. The fear that an individual experiences can also be the result of modeled behavior in someone they love and trust. Having a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or older cousin who has a fear of mushrooms can be the starting point of personal fear development. It is even possible the texture of cooked mushrooms may have been unpleasant causing an individual to obsess about the ingredient. That obsession can lead to fear.
For some individuals this fear may have a lot to do with observing vegetables in a garden. Sometimes abnormal growth on the vegetable or multiple insects crawling on or in a vegetable can instill a profound sense of fear when it comes to vegetables. There have been cases where vegetable seeds have been known to grow within the human body in places like the lungs and nose. Even though the potential is incredibly small it is possible for a person to obsess about the possibility to the degree that they are no longer comfortable eating vegetables. The fear of produce can also be the result of modeled behavior. When a trusted adult in our formative years demonstrates a fear of vegetables it can become possible for an individual to accept that the object feared by that adult is worth fearing as well.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=9ec408e5008b0434&biw=1543&bih=843
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