Shutter Speed is the length of time the shutter is open for, the shorter it is open for the less movement there appears to be in the photograph, very short shutter speeds are used for sports, capturing movement. Longer speeds are used for landscapes and intentionally blurry pictures, such as light drawing.
Our lesson on shutter speeds was first spent on long shutter speeds and light drawing.
ISO 800 (I later changed this to 80 on my camera to make the light stand out and the background fade black), shutter 10 seconds
initial experimentation over, we went off in pairs or groups to make our own pictures
this was more experimenting, rather than drawing
a man
a red light picture
a heart picture, we made several of these using another camera and 2 lights
Fast shutter speeds are mostly used for movement, ISO 1600 (the picture was very dark on anything lower) , shutter speed 1/400
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